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An introduction to mindfulness

An easy technique to try, a difficult one to master. 


A Level English Lit Exam Walkthrough Video

Jacob runs through last year's English Literature exam! Check out how to pick apart questions and prepare responses. 


Philosophy Exam Walkthrough Video

If you're doing Philosophy WATCH this video!


Remembering Etre & Avoir Verbs in French

Ross used posters around his house as a really simple way to remember verbs...


GCSE English Lit Exam Walkthrough Video

See Jacob walk through the most recent GCSE English Lit paper!


Releasing stress

Feeling stressed out? Check out this video to see how to keep stress manageable. 

Video the bathroom?

We all spend a lot of time there... why not use it to your advantage?


Are you making this productivity mistake?

How do you measure your productivity? Are you the sort of person who tells your friends, "man, i studied for 3 hours last night?"