An introduction to mindfulness
An easy technique to try, a difficult one to master.
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Jacob runs through last year's English Literature exam! Check out how to pick apart questions and prepare responses.
Copy your 'set pieces' from well known publications...easy!
Everyone: "I can't do maths". The Truth: "You can't do maths...yet."
Be different.
Ever had that feeling like you're "in the zone". Start paying attention, and using that zone to do your best work.
Losing sleep in the lead up to exams can be more harmful to your marks than you think...
Imagine doing 1/4 the work, and getting all the reults...
Instead of competing, why don't you learn from each other's mistakes?
Want to do past exams but don't feel like you're ready to tackle a whole paper? Use Maya's tip to get through it!
Use this tip so that you're constantly being exposed to vocab around your house.
Don't make these common chemistry errors...
Whatsapp study groups saved me for Politics...